Thursday, 18 April 2013

Final Presentation

From top: 
The psychological experience
Structure and engineering
Longitudinal Section
Plan sections

BORDEAUX HOUSE: finished model at 1:50

BORDEAUX HOUSE: psychological experience of space

Printed on several levels of transparency, this conceptual model allows one to grapple with the complex psychological experience offered to the wheelchair bound resident through the Bordeaux house.
note: the experience of the elevator is made separate to highlight it as a vertical constant throughout the changing floors.

The basement level: carved into the landscape makes close associations with the primitive idea of the cave. 
Simplified, a cave acts a place of retreat, a sanctuary. It allows the user to forge a sense of safety within the dark enclosed walls around them, whilst being able to look out and view the incoming 'dangers'.

Central level: made almost entirely from glass this level is a complete juxtaposition of the level below. The open plan allows panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

Top level:  (private) is a very controlled space, with circular windows that act as cameras, framing specific aspects of the surrounding context. 

BORDEAUX HOUSE: final structural model and study models

above: white card was used to subtly emphasis the structural elements in the building

below: carved out model was originally intended for the analysis of the psychological experience of the "cave"  that is the basement level. However better methods were found and was so was simply used as the base for the structural model.

BORDEAUX HOUSE structural iterations

Exploring Rem's subversion of the traditional structural grid, from one with uniformly distributed load structures  to one that allows "episodes of structure". This new structural configuration changes the support arrangement in both plan and section. Maison Bordeaux therefore becomes something of a surprise, a balancing act of structural elements, rather than a simple table like the Villa Savoye.