Thursday, 24 October 2013

Coal Loader Project Submission

 As the original pdf is too large to upload, below is a link to my presentation file for ease of marking and viewing.


"Presentation speech"

Through this project I focus on architecture’s ability to revive the somewhat static, ‘empty shell’ like quality of old infrastructure as well as its ability to amplify existing spatial conditions through the application of new ‘skins’.


The application of ‘new skins’ to the existing, old, natural skin, stimulating new circulation and spatial experiences as well as facilitating for experimental art.

External Skin:  ‘interstitial space’:
Utilising a steel truss system supporting a glazed roof, An external ‘skin’ has been provided over the existing buildings, creating a unique and intensified experience of the street as one moves between the old masonry structures and the new steel roof system.  

As seen in plan, the private, staff spaces are situated at ground level, the circulation through these spaces are linear and formalised to allow for efficiency and ease of access. However, the public circulation, fluid and experimental is elevated above the existing structures. (See circulation diagrams) This ‘inbetween’/’interstitial’ space, where one is above the old roof structure and under the new steel roof becomes an expansive, semi-open space for experimental Art. Art can be situated on existing roofs, hanging from steel roof structure etc.

In the street space, as well as in various other areas in the site, lighting is controlled by a system of Louvers – see detail. (Electrical conduits for artificial lighting placed in-between Louvres)  This allows for a level of artist control over a subtle but significant atmospheric element.

COAL LOADER LID: a contemplative, communal space for gardens and art sculptures.
The greenhouse
 Extending from the community gardens on ‘the street’. The greenhouse is built on top of the coal-loader in such a way that the individual moves seamlessly through ‘the street’ onto the garden roof of the greenhouse or down a ramp through to the greenhouse (see sections and models). A series of circular skylights, where some extend to the ground to provide a completely open garden space (see section and model), captures atmospheric elements from ‘the street’ where one moves between enclosed, to semi-open to open spaces.
The individual moves from the communal, greenhouse space through a series of linear garden and sculpture spaces towards private, garden spaces located on the harbour side of the coal loader lid. As opposed to an expansive and overwhelming view of the harbour, specific harbour views are framed through a series of wall openings at varying sizes. Individuals sit and contemplate the framed views under the shelter of trees, with gentle trickles of water in the backdrop.  (see diagrams)

 Internalised skin
the steel skin of the street is inverted, providing an internalised tunnel skin. A steel grid structure (mesh applied on a furring system) that follows the arch of the tunnel and acts as a structural facilitator for future experimental artists. Freedom and versatility – facilitates, not dictates what experimental art was to be placed.

Left: external street skin
Right: Internalised tunnel skin 

Underground garden
The natural sanctuary space at the end of the tunnel is extended into the middle tunnel. This underground garden, open to natural lighting above acts as a central reference point for individuals to meander away from the intensive vaulted art spaces, (see models, plans and section)

Artist studio
Artists are designated three cells to exhibit their work. The studio spaces are double celled, connected through a void in the separating wall and raised above ground to allow natural light from above. (See tunnel section). Lighting is once again controlled by the artist in both the studio spaces as well as the exhibition areas below through an internal louver system.  (see detail)

Concrete skin and framed views

The sandstone staircase leads down to an underground foyer that branches out to amphitheatre spaces which respond to the nature of the site which slopes in three directions. Constructed from concrete, the amphitheatre works below the natural ground ‘skin’ to frame views (the water reserve and shipping dock) providing an open, site specific theatre backdrop for performances. 

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Draft sketches. plan and section of underground amphitheaters

following my concept of 'providing controlled scenic backdrops for experimental art spaces/amphitheaters. 

In brief:
-Best way to address this without compromising the existing site + views was to place the structure underground.
-New structure also provides a new circulation path: previous sandstone staircase now leads to underground foyer- branches outwards to several spaces:
                                        -These spaces respond to the nature of the site with slopes in three directions,                                                 towards: 1. water reserve, 2. harbour and stairs down towards open gathering                                               space 

earlier draft sketches

Rough sketchup Model

Sunday, 13 October 2013

To do by handin:

As required by Ainslie: The list of diagrams/drawings/models negotiated in the lecture is as follows:
Site Drawings
Site Plans @ varying scales including 1:500 and 1:5000 or 1:1000
- Transport Plan
- Circulation Plan
- Site plan 1:500 

Site Sections @ varying scales including 1:500, possibly including 1:1000
- 2 Sections through site 1:500
- section through street 1:200
-  section through tunnel
-  section through ampitheatre space 

Axonometrics @ 1:500
 - axonometric of entire site 1:500

Built and Landscaped Elements
Plans @ 1:200 
- Upper level plan of 'street' 
-  lower level plan of 'street' to coal loader 
- ampitheatre spaces, cafe
-  of tunnel

Elevations @ 1:200
- ' street' 
- coal loader above
- ampitheatres, cafe

Sections @ 1:200 
-  ampitheatres, cafe, green house
Atmospheric Drawings
At least 5 perspective drawings articulating the experience of your proposition
Site Model to fit your group site model (if appropriate)
Site Model @ 1:500 showing the full extent of the site 
1:200 model of amphitheater, street, internal tunnel
Process Work 
Conceptual diagrams as appropriate
Developmental drawings and models as appropriate
Design Statement 
250 very carefully considered words that guide our reading of your proposition. Please discuss with your tutor if you wish to opt out of this as tutors have requested that all students include a statement.  

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Design Progress

Changed my approach to the coal-loader site: alterations to the coal loader tunnels below inform the way the garden space above is designed. Previously, I felt i was trying to design spaces around the engineered form that derived from the previous concept of "lifting the lid of coal loader".  Form should be informed by function/intended spatial experience.

- Model is incomplete: indicative of the circulation patterns that will occur as a result of incorporating a central underground garden space.

Sculpture garden provides a central reference point. Individuals can meander away from the intensive tunnel spaces through four, arched vaulted doorways (referencing the arched openings on coal loader facade) into a contemplative garden space. Minimal impact but effective

nb: As shown in images following, the platform above the garden will be cut to allow a stream of natural light into the garden. will be filled with glass with a very shallow pool above- filtered light reflected by water above provides for a calming, 'reflective' space. - inspired by Tadao Ando: i remember scrolling through one of his buildings constructed below a pool of water and being taken by the play of water, light on concrete ....however forgot which one..

The existing sanctuary space extends and flows into the coal loader.

On  a random note: here is a rendered perspective i forgot to upload as part of my concept design. 
"fungi tunnel" enclosed by glass prisms that connect to existing openings above.


Aim was to extend the  spatial atmosphere captured by the 'street' and continue it onto the platform. 
What results is a series of long linear 'green house' spaces that alternate between enclosed, semi enclosed and open depending on the openings of the roof structure above. 

STAIRS: elevates the coal loader green house structure such that its ground level continues seamlessly   from the existing street. 

As you exit the green house, you're captivated by the expansive harbour view, however this is only momentary as one continues down the stairs into an open garden strip. (note to self: draw perspectives of this experience- follows ideas from Luis Barragan:)

Metal deck roof...or maybe concrete roof?  with glass openings sit on a series of spaces enclosed by glass. (plans will come....) : "floating roof" " lifting the lid of the coal loader"

(platform with the main building structure removed)

Individual, contemplative spaces. 


Following the discussion from last studio, below are the basic plans for the "informal public circulation" raised above ground level. 

The formal (private/staff) circulation below has not been drawn yet but is similar to the existing linear circulation patterns.

Individuals move through the highly charged spaces that alternate between the old structure and new structure as well as enclosed, semi-enclosed and open.

SECTION THROUGH SPACE 2 &3 ( experimental art spaces)  


indicative plans and sections of amphitheater 
-Interventions working with the natural landforms and framed scenes for amphitheater. 

Below: Section through centre of stage
Shows how natural landscape becomes part of the backdrop for the theatre, branch penetrates the back wall and reaches towards the audience seating space. 

nb: I quite like the look of this sectional cut. It takes much less time than my digital photoshop renders from the concept handin. Would this be suitable for presentation? Its slightly less accurate and serves more as a conceptual or atmospheric diagram.  
-Rough sketch of plan

Wednesday, 18 September 2013



By definition, “Sustainability” is the capacity to be diverse, adaptive and to endure the test of time.
While the application of solar panels to the old infrastructure of the coal loader site speaks to this idea of sustainability the buildings still retain a somewhat static, ‘empty shell’ like quality. Through this project I focus on architecture’s ability to revive and readapt old infrastructure through the application of new ‘skins’, providing a unique atmosphere in which individuals move through and forge a dialogue between the past present and the future. This concept of the past and present co-existing will also be addressed in my new infrastructure particularly through the way in which certain elements of the landscape are framed in the foreground, background etc. within the new structure and how the present surroundings will stimulate the way the new structure is perceived, how the individual moves through the space etc.

Charged space where individuals move between the skin of the old structure and the new. E.g. In the upper street old sections of the existing roof are pealed back to allow patterns of light to stream through the new roof structure and into rooms. Staircases etc.


Initial thoughts was to provide a flexible space that could be closed off to provide an enclosed theater experience or opened up for an open air theater. it was to be a blank canvas to facilitate for a variety of works.
Option B was explored further:   
The aim for the amphitheater was to create quite a generic form that would not compete but work seamlessly into its surroundings. Rather it would be characterized by the "scene" it framed as a specific backdrop for each stage, compelling artists to think of site specific artworks to be displayed or performed.



I am approaching the platform as if it is a culmination my concept/ how I've treated the rest of the site as discussed in tutorial.
- Minimal/no disruption to the coal-loader tunnels below
-  area where individuals can not only enjoy the company of others gathering, communal gardening) but also their own.
- Avoid vast open expanses of spaces with views. But rather allow spaces and views unfold.
- Art spaces are purely static e.g. sculptural - maintain atmosphere i intend to create
- Water will be used as a gesture towards 'sustainable design' in terms of collecting rainwater, but also a way of conditioning spaces. 
"Carved Spaces" - design is primarily dictated by circulation and intended function.  
I wanted to maintain the language of the monolithic platform 'by building it up' slightly and then carving spaces away- notion of carving away at the sandstone without directly affecting the existing site. Through this i intend to provide open spaces, private 'rooms' and pathways and steps at varying heights.
The platform will move from communual activities towards the entrance of the platform to more private, contemplative spaces/activities towards the sea edge and end of the platform.
Furthering this, i was thinking of continuing the language of the street, in terms of providing a permeable/overarching roof structure.
From above the roof will appear flat, from below, the roof undulates at varying heights to provide areas of openness and intensity. In a sense there will be areas where individuals will feel "squished" between the ground and the roof, to areas of openness depending on the height and permeability of the roof above (glazed to completely open openings)

Model exploring effect of carved spaces/paths and light penetration from undulating roof structure - purely experiental at the moment

TUNNEL 3- fungi/mushroom/plant tunnel. Fairly simple design. Provide informative display of plants/fungi thriving despite dark tunnel space- extend idea of sustainability/beauty of decay etc. Glass display extending from old coal loading chutes and penetrating through elevated timber platform.


After some thought i realised i was trying to do too much with the previous design and the space became too convoluted and confusing. While the intent was to provide areas that unfold with different levels of intimacy relative to its designated function i felt there could be a better way of executing it. 
refer to previous post for concept.
New idea
"Peeling the lid of the Coalloader" - While simple, i felt like it was much more effective in capturing what i was previously attempting to do. Like the previous iteration the basis of design is purely informed by the existing site as opposed to directly intervening in terms of cutting into the tunnels etc - the connotations which the idea of 'lifting the lid' creates a dialogue between past, the existing site and the future.

Below shows a sketch of the treatment of the platform above as well as some brief details of the tunnels below.
Having an artist studio in the tunnel was intially quite a strange idea due to the issue of natural lighting etc. My solution was therefore to elevate artist studio to the top half of the void ensuring natural light penetration from above. I made interventions to create door openings that led from the artist studios to the boardwalks outside. (only accessible by the artists). - felt like this was all necessary to provide an adequate working environment. 


Thursday, 18 April 2013

Final Presentation

From top: 
The psychological experience
Structure and engineering
Longitudinal Section
Plan sections